Secret to Success


“People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want,and, if they can’t find them, make them.”

~George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Irish Playwright

Location: Victoria, BC

18 Comments Add yours

  1. willofheart says:

    I agree, I love the photo’s you shared, I love the angle and color, quotes is very inspiring, How are you?


    1. I am good, a little busy helping out with the family reunion..but all is well and dandy..Thanks for liking my post..;)


  2. Stefania says:

    Jenny, the picture is very beautiful! I agree with quote!

    I leave you a quote that I like very much: “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key. If you like what you do, you will be successful.” – Albert Schweitzer

    I wish you all the best, Jenny! 🙂


    1. So sweet Stefania…I love your quote..Success is not the key to happiness..I wish you the very best Stefania…Love your latest post…Always do…Have a great day, Jenny


  3. Stefan says:

    Jenny, the picture is very beautiful!


  4. Hi! Have nominated you for the Thanks For Commenting award! Please go to my sight for picture of award. WordPress has award rules. Red flower with white back ground. Post to your sight!


    1. Wow another award..thank you thank you for the nomination..I accept..You just made my day. ALl the best, Jenny


  5. Genie says:

    I really like this quote!


  6. Kezz says:

    Thanks for sharing this quote! Oh so very true!


  7. I was so lost in the twigs and the sky, I hadnt noticed the bird 😉 great pic! and The quote itself is quite true. Still, I could not make out the relation between the two :-/


    1. I guess the sky represents circumstances..


  8. Marianne says:

    I still remember the first time I read this quote, it’s about 15 years ago. It has been a favourite of mine since then, :).


  9. farouk says:

    that’s so right
    there is a saying that i like a lot, the more i try, the luckier i get : )


    1. Thanks for commenting Farouk !


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