Stand Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (My first poem)

Stand up!

Enough is enough

Pull yourself together

As you have the world in front of you

Be the person you want to be

No time to wait

Take the stage

Go ahead and do the walk

If you tumble

Pause and rest

But move on

Take the street

The road

The highway

Rough and smooth

Do the knock

If no one answers

Keep on going


Take your time

Your own speed

To each choice

And finally

A door will lead the way

You will know

You will know

Picture borrowed from:

8 Comments Add yours

  1. Good poem with great choice of photo.
    Have a delightful Friday & weekend,


    1. Thank you so much Paula
      Its Friday night; here enjoying a Long Island Ice Tea in Shangrila Hotel.
      I got stuck in traffic and if was difficult for me to get a cab
      so here I am…….


  2. poem & photo both are nice:)


    1. Thanks for liking my poem. Happy Friday to you!


      1. Enjoy the week end:)


      2. Thank you and your welcome 😉


  3. I am impressed! Good job on your first endeavor into poetry. . .


    1. Thanks I was in the mood 😉


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