Person who never gives up

You just can’t beat the person who never gives up.

Babe Rut

Help me interpret this quote? ;)



#beat  #quote  #life  #person #wordsofwisdom

Source Image: Quotes Cover

9 Comments Add yours

  1. stuartart says:

    So true. We must discern between discontinuing down a pointless path and quitting. Giving up a course of action that is not creating the desired results is ‘learning’ – giving up is deciding to no longer pursue that result. Always enjoy visiting here Jennifer. 🙂


    1. Thank you so much for always sharing your comment and visiting my blog Stuart! ^_^


  2. Stuart I check from time to time your truly inspiring works – thanks again Stuart!


  3. cessology says:

    That’s it. Perseverance is the key. Try and try…you’ll get it right eventually. 😉


    1. I Agree with you Cess! Thank you for stopping by! 😀


  4. Why would you want to beat them? To show your superiority?
    What happens when two people who never give up come up against each other?


    1. Your right…I guess not giving up in general but d sometimes, when it is not possible – we need to move on for our own good…Maybe in God’s time but not now.


      1. A rolling stone gathers no moss. 😉


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