My blog got deactivated without further notice by WordPress

I was shocked to learn that my blog, Canarium The First Virgin Pili Oil was deactivated by WordPress without further notice – stating that I violated my Terms of Service.  I had this blog for over a year now and why only now?

Got this message in my dashboard:

This blog has been deactivated because we believe it does not comply with the Terms of Service or advertising policy.

If your blog is designed to promote affiliate links, get rich quick programs, banner ads, consists solely or mostly of duplicate or automatically generated material, or is part of a search engine marketing campaign, is not the place for you.  Please use the Export feature to move your content to a more appropriate hosting service.

Occasionally we make mistakes.  If you believe we have misclassified your blog, please click here to contact us as soon as possible so we can fix the problem.

Has this happen to you?

*Anyways, I am in the process of transferring the blog to a self hosting site. – will keep you posted till I get it back running again.


Canarium The First Virgin Pili Oil

16 Comments Add yours

  1. johncoyote says:

    Just go in and give them reasons. I was blocked for a few hours once. It goes automatic to leaders of the site.


    1. Thank you so much.


  2. Hi Jenny! Sorry to hear about this. Yes, it seems WP is strict with it’s terms of service.
    Did you move to – then transfer to a another host?
    I hit “Like” as a show of support for you, not because I “like” your circumstance! _Resa


    1. Hi Resa. Thank you for supporting me. I was shocked as this is not a third party affiliate. I am just helping a small trader in my province…thats all… We are in the process of creating a website but that will be in a few months…or till I get a notice from him.


      1. Well, take care! I have been thinking about selling products (that I design then make or have made). I don’t want to use Etsy. It seems before I try anything I should really look into things! Hugs to you!


      2. Hello Resa..I am planning to move my blog to a hosting site…and then add ecommerce to it as I see real cool products from small traders here..But that will have to wait as being a freelancer..budget always comes first.


  3. nutsfortreasure says:



    1. 🙂 Happy weekend to yah!


      1. nutsfortreasure says:

        Same right back at YAH!!!!


      2. Thank You and Your Welcome 😉


  4. Stefania says:

    I’m so sorry for the inconvenience created by wordpress, dear Jenny! I hope to solve this problem as soon as possible!
    I’m so glad to see you blogging again!
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend, dear Jenny! Big hugs, much love, Stefania! 🙂


    1. I wish, it is not solve yet
      Will wait till tomorrow


      1. Stefania says:

        I hope to solve as soon as possible, dear Jenny!
        Warm wishes from Romania and many many hugs! 🙂


      2. I sent WordPress a message!


      3. Stefania says:

        You did a good thing! I hope to overcome this with wordpress blog! 🙂


      4. Yup crossing my fingers 😉


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