The Benefits of Bilingualism –

The Benefits of Bilingualism –

Bilingual speakers are better able to deal with distractions than those who speak only a single language, and that may help offset age-related declines in mental performance, according to researchers.

Do you think so?

7 Comments Add yours

  1. Being unilingual, I have no capacity for handling distractions and well past losing it–my partner on the other hand speaks a couple of Philippine dialects as well as Tagalog and now beats me in Scrabble and though a very busy nurse, is rarely disturbed by multiple demands happening at once. So I’m the red faced one with the blue nose, and he’s the one with the green brain and little smile.


    1. So cute 😉 I too am bilingual. I speak Tagalog and English and fully understand Bicol Dialect but don’t speak it but like you, don’t have the capacity for handling distractions…However, it really depends on my mood. Sometimes, I am like your partner when focused but sometimes, not.


  2. I don’t know if you’re being entirely truthful–you seem to keep us steeped in many interesting posts even as you’re handling other demands during your waking hours.


    1. Thanks for pointing that out…Maybe I am…


  3. Tanguyenable says:

    I am bi-lingual, but I am broken in both language 😀

    I came to the United States at a young age. So i learned Vietnamese till 4th grade. When I learn English here, my grammar got all messed up. I am struggling with my tenses. Threw away my confidence when it comes to this part.


    1. Same here! I can speak Tagalog but cannot write it at all. Am not very confident with that. I speak with an accent. 😉


  4. Yes, certainly! Actually there are more benefits of being bilingual thna the author mentioned of like the ones listed here
    However, sometimes multilinguals who are multiculturals might not perfectly blend in. For more you can read about third culture kids (TCKs)


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