Things have a way of working out!

I came across this quote earlier today. Things have a way of working out! I find this quote so true. This is all life is about.  We might plan and plan about everything in life. We think that all our plans are right for us as of this moment. However, sometimes it does not go exactly how you want it to be. When things go horrible in my life, I first think that wow, that is awful and makes me feel bad about it.  Life is not fair (“Self-Pity!” – whine, whine, whine) but truly, things happen for a reason.  When you analyzed an event in your life in the long run, you say, “hey, that is not as bad as it is.”  For the bad things that go wrong are actually good things that need time and perspective so do not sweat the small things in life as it will eventually workout on your favor or someone else.

Sometimes the most unorthodox things have a way of working out – who knows!

Do you agree with me?

Photo Source: Country Primitive Gatherings


31 Comments Add yours

  1. Things will always work out!


  2. Stefania says:

    I absolutely agree with you, my dear Jenny!
    I miss, you! Have a wonderful Sunday!
    I send big hugs to you, always with love, Stefania! 🙂


    1. Hi Stefania
      Nice to here from you
      I miss you too
      I have been sick this whole week
      So did not have time to visit you guys
      Will make it up


      1. Stefania says:

        I’m so sorry you were sick, my dear Jenny! Hope you get better fast!
        Big hugs to you always with love! 🙂


      2. I am much better but still not 100% okay


      3. Stefania says:

        I’m glad to hear you’re okay! I hope to be 100% better as soon as possible! 🙂


      4. Thanks Stefania! You are very sweet. Your sweet comments make me smile! 😉


  3. So true and always nice to be reminded of this


    1. Definitely and thank you for taking the time to comment. Have a happy week a head!


  4. sisterdot56 says:

    hi”’friends is a new day that the lord has give as’praise his name,,,,DOT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,THE WAY!

    John 14:5-6

    Thomas said to Him, Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way? Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.


  5. Hey Jenny, I like your new format!!!!! Take Care and God Bless 🙂 Kenny T


    1. Thank you Ken and God Bless to you too!


  6. I enjoy your posts! I have nominated you for the Sunshine Award


    1. Thank you for the nomination. Sorry, for the late response. Its been crazy busy on my end. You just made my Sunday!


      1. I understand! Hope you have a great Sunday!


  7. Good weekend.
    Greeting Wolfgang


  8. Cath says:

    Hi ate Jenny! I miss you. I’ve been browsing your blog for inspiration on my sad sad days. Don’t worry I’m just sad, I’ll be fine soon enough. I just want to you know, say anything something about it.


    1. I miss blogging-sorry have not been blogging-been busy – but will be back pretty soon..You will be strong!


      1. Cath says:

        We (myself and your followers) understand that you’re busy too. Thanks for this time you spent for me though i appreciate it. Thanks again.<3


      2. Will be back pretty soon. I feel bad kasi I neglected my blogging. Your in Manila?


  9. Cath says:

    No, I’ve a new job that I can’t leave. managing a teeny grocery. My own. I don’t know if I can make plans and do it. Kayo po, tapos na vacation?


    1. oo, ended up staying in Bicol


  10. Cath says:

    Yeah? Ah, in my end. I had to take this now so i could save up for next year. I also cook and sell them, so I’m sort of busy especially during school days. My grocer’s in front of an elementary school. I’m even gearing up for next year’s election.


    1. I ended up moving here I live on my own And telecomute for work


      1. Cath says:

        Telecomute? is that a voip sort of thing? I mean your work is realted to or is using the amazing technology ? Speaking of which, let me tell ya, after 5 years of being phoneless i bought a phone. somehow i find it funny, now.


      2. No like ODesk type of work I have a phone but do not have Iphone or blackberry No TV everyting internet for me


  11. Cath says:

    Ah I see. Hmm, interesting. I used to have a job similar to that only I had phone privileges. Sigh, too bad I can’t do it on my own. Third party set up kind of thing.


    1. more on website content management..


  12. Cath says:

    You like it so far? Must be cause you did move right?


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